For us men, strengthening the pelvic floor can make the difference between an average orgasm and an explosive experience. If you want to improve stamina, better control your ejaculations, and enjoy more intense orgasms, it's time to add Kegels to your routine.

The pubococcygeus (PC) muscle is the star of these exercises. It's the same one you engage when stopping urine flow midstream. Training it means having better control over erection and ejaculation, which is crucial for those who seek longer-lasting sessions and enhanced performance in bed.

Performing Kegel exercises is simple. Squeeze the PC muscle for three seconds, release, and repeat ten times. Over time, increase the contraction duration up to ten seconds. Doing three sets a day can strengthen your control and amplify your sexual pleasure.

The key is consistency. Like any workout, results don’t appear overnight, but with discipline, you’ll start noticing changes within weeks. Additionally, combining Kegels with proper breathing and relaxation techniques enhances their effects.

Mastering Kegels means taking full control of your pleasure and your partner’s. With a strong pelvic floor, erections are firmer, orgasms more intense, and the bedroom experience more satisfying. If you’re looking to take your sexuality to the next level, this is the way to do it.

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